Work with me
Wherever you are on your journey, I will meet you there…
Work with me
Wherever you are on your journey, I will meet you there…

Your Hormone Harmony VIP Club
Gates are now closed until October...
This is a closed group that opens to new members twice per year after each Hormone Harmony Programme
Open to any woman who has completed my 28-Day Hormone Harmony Programme.
Registration is now CLOSED until October 2024
Member Benefits
Seasonal Food Plan with carefully curated recipes for blood sugar balancing and healthy hormones
Monthly live Zoom session (one hour - recorded)
Connection & Community – Group Chat to connect with one another & direct access to me to get all your questions answered
Monthly eBook tailored to you and your priorities
Monthly wellbeing focus - small changes every month amount to one huge deposit into your annual health bank
No time commitments - work through the fresh monthly content at your own pace
​Group Health Coaching - the stuff that unlocks the magic
Direct access to me - Registered Nutritional Therapist & Health Coach to get all your questions answered
10% discount off all my Yoga classes, women’s circles and events
20% discount to repeat the Hormone Harmony programme - Feb 26th or September 30th
Discount codes - for supplement companies, health foods and recommended products - I'm constantly building this list for you
You will always be the first women I invite to book complimentary Health Reviews to discuss more personalised 1-2-1 support when openings come up over the year. ​
This is for you if...
You have completed the Hormone Harmony programme (or worked with me 1-2-1) and want to keep momentum and the trajectory to better health and wellness.
Are concerned you may fall off the wagon and would like to know you have the support to get right back on it in 2024.
Made loads of improvement during the Hormone Harmony programme and want new fresh and seasonal recipe ideas.
Thrive on new learning about how nutrition and lifestyle therapy can support you on your personal journey.
Just haven’t quite yet mastered the Hormone Harmony way and need the support of a community.
Appreciate the support of a community.
Value my support and expertise as well as a whole circle of cheerleaders.

"It’s been beautiful to be part of a group of women all looking to improve their health and wellbeing and witness the sharing. I have changed my diet before but the daily support has been fabulous and really helped me to stay on track. My health and energy scores have really improved and I have lost a few pounds, my skin feels better, I am no longer craving snacks, cake, coffee. Feel like I want to continue eating this way and there has been a big shift in my mindset this time! My sleep quality is definitely better. Thank you it’s been inspiring and amazing!"
-Debbie, February 2023

"I can honestly say it’s been a life changing experience… I thought I was pretty healthy but have made some tweaks to my lifestyle and diet and feel so much more grounded, and feel I have more energy and vitality than I have in a long time.. the support from Liz and other women on the course is fantastic; no judgement and a come as you are welcome makes it so digestible, there can only be positives from joining! Thank you "
-Holly, October 2023
How much does it cost?
The monthly membership costs £25 a month and the price will remain the same until the end of 2024 for founding members. The price may increase the next time the doors are open, though your price will remain the same until the end of 2024.
How long do I need to commit for?
You can be a member of the Hormone VIP Club for as long as you like. The minimum period is just one month and obviously I’d love to be in my club forever, but your membership fee is paid monthly so you can stop your membership at any time (refer to T&Cs).
If you leave you won't be able to rejoin until the next time I open for enrolment - usually every 6 months after my Hormone Harmony Programmes.
How much time does it take to work through content on the Club membership?
Up to you! The content in the VIP Club is available for you to access in bite-sized chunks at any time, 24/7. The flexibility of the Club means it can occupy as little or as much of your time as you would like. If you can find just a couple of hours per month, you will make steady progress.
If you have more time, you can be more active in the Group Chat and join the monthly live session.
Where our time goes, our energy flows - so keeping the momentum, however slow the pace, means we are always heading in the right direction.
What if I can’t keep up with everything?
Unlike the programme there is no such thing as “falling behind” and there’s no need to ‘keep up’ with anything. You already did the hard work on the Hormone Programme so now you can relax into your lifelong learning. Think of the VIP Club as a goodie box of resources that you can dip in and out of.
Not enough hours in the day is a big challenge for so many women in the modern day world, so I aim to help you, by having greater clarity on what your next step is, and a laser focus on just one high impact thing at a time. Joining the welcome Zoom session and creating your wellness vision will help you with this.
How much juicy content will I get?
Your monthly content will include an eBook and a monthly health focus with associated content on Practice Better. This means we can properly learn, digest and implement at a pace that is manageable for most people.
Even though it’s nice to think we’re getting good value for money by receiving tonnes of resources in one go, it’s unrealistic that most women have the time to absorb and implement at that pace. We are real women living real lives and the last thing I want to do is overwhelm you. Let's enjoy the journey.
Will I receive 1-2-1 coaching as part of the VIP Club?
There are monthly group coaching sessions, during which you are welcome to raise questions and receive personal support. The Group Chat is there to support you too.
If you are seeking personal 1-2-1 support, please contact me to discuss – to discuss one of my 12 week personalised programmes.
Where will the group programme be run?
The whole programme will be run on my Practice Better system, which you are all used to from the 28-day programme we did together.
When will I be able to access the content?
As soon as you sign up you will have access your Step into Spring Seasonal Food Plan so you can get stuck straight in! Thereafter you will receive your content on a monthly basis.
You are able to download the Seasonal Food Plan and eBooks and these are yours, for life.
What topics will we cover?
This will largely be guided by what you already have told me and continue to tell me that you want. It’s important to me that this membership is right for you, and I am wide open to suggestions. You can expect that we will cover from the following list:
Self-care, sleep, brain health, mood, energy, stress, immunity, skin, hormones, heart health, blood sugar balance, gut health, detoxification, microbiome, bone health, lifestyle, exercise, Yoga and meditation… to name just some of the content you can start getting excited about!
When with the live Zoom sessions be and what’s included?
The live zoom sessions will be on a Monday evening at 8pm (1 hour). This gives everyone time to eat dinner and do their parenting magic. I’ll introduce you to the content for the week ahead as well as doing a short coaching strategy with you. There’s an opportunity to get all your questions answered as well as us holding space for you if that’s what you need. We’ll start and end with a short meditation to help you ground and relax into your bedtime routine.
What if I can’t attend the live sessions?
All sessions will be recorded and shared securely via the Practice Better platform and a passcode. They will be kept for 6 months so you can catch up at your leisure.
Do you have Club membership intakes throughout the year?
I am currently only opening the VIP Club membership for enrolment every 6 months, after each Hormone Harmony Programme.
I only open enrolment for short periods so that the rest of the time I can be fully focused on my members to ensure you have an amazing experience. Having new members join only at certain times of year also helps to nurture a safe space where everyone has time to get to know each other – like a 6 month-long womens' circle.
I'm already overwhelmed, will this add to this?
Most people get overwhelmed not because they have a lot on their plate (which, let’s face it, most of us do) but because they don’t know where to start and what to prioritise. This is where the coaching strategies come in. By helping you to get clear on what it is that’s important to YOU and your life, it enables you to focus your energy with clarity and prioritise in a way that works for your (real) life.
What if it turns out it's not for me?
I believe you'll get amazing value from being a member of my Hormone Harmony VIP Club. If you feel it’s no longer working for you for whatever reason, you will have the option to ‘freeze’ your membership for 3 months, at which time you can decide whether to jump back in or not. If you do decide to cancel your membership completely, you have the option to rejoin again at the next opening (approx. 6 months’ time) at whatever the revised membership price is at that time.
I think I'd like to join, but I've got a question
You know that I always love hearing from you. If you've got a question that hasn't already been answered on this page then please message me either via Practice Better or at and I'll be super happy to help.
It's my absolute pleasure to take this journey with you.

"Long term digestive and health issues sorted with achievable lifestyle changes that I would never have thought of trying. Liz's coaching, knowledge and professionalism are first class. I have learnt so much and been delighted with the results. Liz's open hearted, friendly and fun approach make it a joy to work with her in a group like Hormone Harmony, or even more so with her one-to-one Flourish programme. My health is the best it has ever been and the positive changes I have made, with Liz's expert guidance, are easy and enjoyable to maintain."
-Roz, July 2023

"I’ve lost a stone in weight which makes me feel so much better in my clothes and my body. I have more energy generally. I’m more motivated to eat well and take care of myself. I’m sleeping a bit better than I was. I think I do actually feel more balanced internally. And just pleased with myself that I started it and stuck with it when my body was in great discomfort because, ultimately, have benefitted from doing it!"
-Jo, October 2023
Still not convinced?
Having a fresh seasonal food plan that you know is perfectly composed to balance your blood sugar and nourish your body can save you hours of meal planning.
A quarterly change of recipes keeps things fresh for you and your family. No more meal fatigue!
Monthly fresh content means that you are constantly learning at a gentle pace that is manageable and implementable, giving you time to properly embed the changes.
Get all your nutrition, health and wellness questions answered - I've spent hours doing the research so you don't have to.
24/7 access to a gorgeous community of like-minded women, all striving to be the healthiest and happiest versions of themselves.
Gentle coaching strategies can empower you to tune into that innate wisdom and unlock the magic within to get the mini breakthroughs that you need to continue this upward trajectory to better health and happiness.
Just one new strategy each month may be a lightbulb moment.
Just one piece of encouragement from your HH peers, would mean you bounce back quickly after a bad day.
No more ‘falling of the wagon' and then drowning in shame. We are in this together – honestly and authentically. We were never meant to go it alone, it does indeed take a community.
Are you ready for the revolution (even if it’s only a really small one)?